Sunday, 11 January 2015

Written a few weeks ago

I've been feeling very emotional the last few days.  It doesn't help that the anniversary of one year in bed just passed. Any small thing can send me from OK to emotional . such small things are setting it off.

My pa just gave me a tin of lentil soup instead of a container of dhal - that's what set me off. Then she picked my cat up to move her - which I've seen her do several times in one day.

All these little things start to signify so much more:

The soup is about my ability to control my own life and also about being heard. 

Not picking my cat up is about not managing my cats behaviour in ways I can't, in case she starts to only respond to those ways. What happens if she starts staying put until she's moved rather than responding to hand gestures or verbal comments? She also moved the cat before I had a chance to do any of those things.  People do these things without thinking of the bigger things. Why would they? It's not their picture to look at.